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Volleyball – Winning Market by Sets

In this type of bet, you try to guess which team will win a specific set in a volleyball match.

How It Works:

  • The goal is to predict who will win a set, such as the first, second, etc.
  • A team needs to reach 25 points first, with a two-point advantage, to win a set.
  • If the score is tied at 24-24, the game continues until one team has a two-point advantage.
  • If there is a third set, the first team to reach 15 points with a two-point advantage wins.
  • If a team is leading 2-0 in sets, bets for the third set will be refunded.

Example: You can bet on which team will win the first set of a volleyball match. If you’re correct, you win the bet. The same goes for subsequent sets.


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