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Betting Markets in Valorant

Winner: In this market, bettors can choose which team they believe will be the overall winner of the match.

First Map – Winner (including overtime): This market allows bettors to pick which team they think will win the first map of the match, including the possibility of overtime if applicable.

Second Map – Winner (including overtime): Similar to the previous market, bettors can select which team they believe will emerge victorious in the second map, including overtime if necessary.

Third Map – Winner (including overtime): Likewise, this market involves choosing the winning team of the third map, including the possibility of overtime if it occurs.

First Map – 1×2: In this market, bettors have three options: bet on the victory of the first team (FiRePOWER), a draw, or the victory of the second team (KRÜ Blaze) in the first map of the match.

Second Map – 1×2: It works similarly to the previous market, but applied to the second map of the match.

Third Map – 1×2: Similarly, this market refers to the third map of the match, with betting options for the victory of the first team, a draw, or the victory of the second team.

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