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UFC – Offered Bets

The Ultimate Fighting Championship fights offer a variety of betting options similar to markets in other popular sports. If you want to enjoy betting on any UFC bout, it’s important to know these options. One of the most popular types is betting on the “Total Rounds,” where you predict which fighter will win the match and how many rounds the event will last. Additionally, there are other betting options available for UFC fans.

Final Result Market: In this market, bettors try to predict the fighter who will emerge as the winner of the match. It’s important to remember that the bettor must correctly predict the exact outcome to win the bet. Otherwise, the bet is considered lost.

Total Rounds Market: In this market, the bettor must predict the total number of rounds the fight will last, in addition to choosing the winner. The most common option is “over/under,” where the bettor decides whether the fight will have more or fewer rounds than the number stipulated by the sportsbook.

Handicap Market: In this market, a fighter is given an advantage or disadvantage before the fight begins. This means that, to win the bet, the fighter must win by a larger margin (negative handicap) or smaller margin (positive handicap) than usual. This is done to balance the chances of victory between the fighters and offer better odds to the bettor.

Method of Victory Market: In this market, the bettor must predict how the fighter will win the fight. Options include victory by knockout, submission, or judges’ decision. Some sportsbooks also offer more specific options, such as victory by points or disqualification.

Victory Points Market: In this market, the bettor must predict how the judges will score the fight. Options include victory by unanimous decision, victory by split decision, draw, or victory by knockout or submission. This market is popular for fights expected to be closely contested, without a clearly dominant fighter.

Will the Fight Last All Rounds: The bettor must predict whether the fight will last all scheduled rounds or if it will be stopped before time. The option “Yes” is chosen if the fight ends after all rounds, and the option “No” is chosen if the fight is stopped before the scheduled time.

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