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General Rules – Tennis

  • In case of retirement and abandonment of any player, all undecided bets will be voided.


  • In case of any delay (rain, darkness…), all markets remain unsettled, and trading will be continued as soon as the game resumes.


  • If penalty point(s) are awarded by the referee, all bets on that match will remain valid.


  • If a match is concluded before certain points/games are completed, all markets related to affected points/games are considered void.


  • If markets remain open with an incorrect score that has a significant impact on the odds, the scope of the impact being determined by the bookmaker acting reasonably, we reserve the right to void the respective bets.


  • If players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void the respective bets.


  • If a player retires, all undecided markets will be considered void.


  • If a match is decided by a match tie-break, then the match tie-break will be considered the 3rd set.


  • Each tie-break or Match tie-break counts as 1 game.


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