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Soccer – 10 minute break

The interval goal market offers bettors a way to bet on goals scored during specific periods of a match. Here are the simplified betting options:

  • 0-10: Goal in the first 10 minutes of the match.
  • 11-20: Goal between the 11th and 20th minutes of play.
  • 21-30: Goal between the 21st and 30th minutes of play.
  • 31-40: Goal between the 31st and 40th minutes of play.
  • 41-50: Goal between the 41st and 50th minutes of play.
  • 51-60: Goal between the 51st and 60th minutes of play.
  • 61-70: Goal between the 61st and 70th minutes of play.
  • 71-80: Goal between the 71st and 80th minutes of play.
  • 81-90: Goal between the 81st and 90th minutes of play.
  • Special Selection: No Goal: Indicates that the bettor is selecting the absence of goals in the match as a whole, not just in a 10-minute interval.

It’s essential to clearly understand the betting options to make informed decisions. This article was created to clarify common doubts and help bettors make more assertive choices in their 10-minute interval bets.


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