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Snooker – Offered Bets

The snooker matches usually consist of an odd number of frames. The player who wins more frames wins the match. For example, in a match consisting of 7 frames, a player who wins 4 frames wins the match. A player who scores more points wins the frame. Snooker matches can also be held in other formats, which are announced by the organizer in the program (line).

There is a possibility of a tie in snooker when the balls struck do not advance on the table. If a stalemate occurs, the frame can be replayed, restarted with a score of 0:0 (by mutual agreement of both players or upon the referee’s suggestion). Bets on the frame outcomes made before the start of the frame are settled based on the results recorded in the replayed frame, and bets on the frame outcomes made after the actual start of the frame are settled with odds of “1” (one).

Bets offered on Snooker match outcomes:

In a Snooker match, the handicap and the total are calculated according to the number of frames, and within a frame – by the points.

  • The first player will win the match (frame) – “Win 1”.
  • The second player will win the match (frame) – “Win 2”.
  • The first player will win (not lose) the match (frame) with the considered handicap – “Handicap 1”.
  • The second player will win (not lose) the match (frame) with the considered handicap – “Handicap 2”.
  • Bets on the total number of frames played in the match – “Total above (below) the bet amount”.
  • Bets on the total number of points scored in the frame – “Total above (below) the bet amount”.
  • Bets: which player will score the first ball in the match.
  • Bets: which player will be the first to score the offered number of points.
  • Bets on the total number of points scored in the frame to be even (odd).
  • Bets: if the first (second) player will score the first (last) ball.
  • Bet on the first ball scored as yellow (green, brown, blue, pink, black).
  • – Bets: “50+Break” (50 + break) will (will not) be.
  • Will a “Century break” be scored (not be scored).
  • Bets: “Maximum Break (147)” will (not) be.
  • A “Break” is the number of points scored by a player in a single visit to the table. Points scored by fouls committed by the opponent are not counted in the “break”. A “50+break” is fifty or more points scored in this manner, a “Century Break” is one hundred or more points scored, and a “Maximum Break (147)” is the highest possible score in a single frame (15 Red +15 Black+ Colors).
  • – Bets: there will (not) be a foul.


All bets placed on frame results are settled after the end of the frame. All points awarded by the match referee are taken into consideration when calculating bets on match outcomes.

In some cases, it is possible to score an early victory in a frame. For example, if one of the players is late to start the frame, the referee awards the victory to the other player, and the frame is considered complete.

An early victory is also awarded when a player is not in a “Snooker” situation and misses three consecutive shots while having the opportunity to hit another ball. In this case, bets on the outcomes of this frame are subject to settlement with odds of “1” (one). In this and similar cases, bets on the outcomes of this frame are subject to settlement with odds of “1” (one), except for those bets whose outcomes do not depend on the situations mentioned above and have already become unequivocally clear.

For the calculation of snooker match results, official championship and tournament websites presented in the table are taken as the basis. In some cases, when the official site does not contain the necessary information to calculate any match result, the video recording of the match is used as the basis for calculation. For example, if the official site does not contain the necessary information to calculate the bet on the outcome “Will the first/second player score the first ball,” the video recording of the match will be used as the basis for calculation.

Bets on the results of a delayed or interrupted snooker match remain valid until the end of the tournament or championship in which it was held. Until the match starts or continues, all bets on match outcomes remain valid.

Bets on other possible outcomes in snooker matches offered by the organizer on the Line are also accepted.

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