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Betting Markets in FIFA

Moneyline (Match Winner):

  • In this market, you bet on which team will win the game.
  • The odds are provided for each team.

First Stage – 1×2 (including overtime):

  • Here, you bet on the team that will win the first map of the match, including any overtime.

Double Chance: This market offers the option to bet on two of the three possible outcome combinations (home team win, away team win, or draw), increasing the chances of winning.

Total Goals: In this market, bettors can predict whether the total number of goals scored in the match will be above or below a certain predetermined number.

Handicap: Handicap is a way to level the playing field between unequal teams by adding or subtracting goals (or points) from the teams before the start of the game.

Total Goals (Asian): Similar to the Total Goals market, but with fractional handicaps, meaning that bets can be won with half goals.

Total Goals by Team: This market allows bettors to predict the total number of goals scored by a specific team in the match.

First Half – Double Chance: Similar to the Double Chance market, but considering only the result in the first half of the game.

First Half – Total Goals: Similar to the Total Goals market, but considering only the total number of goals scored in the first half of the game.

First Half – Handicap: Similar to the Handicap market, but considering only the result in the first half of the game.

Match Rest Handicap: Allows bettors to place handicap bets for the remainder of the game, taking into account the current score. This means that teams start with a virtual score based on the current score of the match, and bettors can wager on how the game will unfold from that point onward, with the handicap applied.

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